Caipirinha Recipe
Posted in Classics, Rum, Tropical on February 22, 2014
Caipirinha – Brazil’s Finest Cocktail
Caipirinha is Brazil’s major cocktail drink, also known as the national cocktail of Brazil. The contents of the drink include sugarcane, lime and hard liquor. It is a much distilled alcoholic beverage that is called the Pinga. Both rum and cachaca are made from sugar-cane derived products. The cachaca is made from alcohol that results from the fermentation of sugarcane juice which is distilled later. The Caipirinha recipe consists of 2 tbs of granulated sugar, 8 lime wedges and 2.5 oz Sagatiba Pura. You can stir the sugar into lime wedges in any glass. Fill it with ice cubes and pour the Cachaca into the glass. Stir all the ingredients in the glass and sip it. It’s brilliant! It may remind you of Brazil and its beauty.
What is the Cachaca Drink?
The Cachaca drink is available in Global cocktail and beach parties and more. They have been around the world including Germany, US and many other countries. In the US it has many forms including leblon, Cabana, and Sagatiba that makes it more elegant. The history tells us stories about Caipirinhas origin. The best known piranhas were around 1918, in Sau Paulo. It used to be made with lemon, garlic and honey that worked well in killing Spanish Flu. It is still used to cure cold and cough. They added some teaspoons of sugar to reduce the acidity. The International Bartenders Association has made the Cachaca as their official cocktail.
There are many variations of Caipirinha. The most well known Caipivodka in which the vodka is used instead of cachaca. The Caipiroska Negra is made with black vodka instead of the cachaca. There are Capifruita, Caipirao, Morangoska, Caipihager, Sakeinnha, morangoska and few other cocktails that are named here.
Ingredients for Caipirinha
The Caipirinha mix needs the following:-
- 2fl. Oz. cachaca,
- Half a lime
- Quartered and 2 tsp. Sugar
- 5fl. Oz. simple syrup.
How Do you Make a Caipirinha
- Ø You can place the lime wedges and sugar in a rock glass.
- Ø With the help of your muddler press down and twist the lime that will mix into the cold water, thus increases the flavor of the cocktail.
- Ø Add crushed ice and Cachaca and then stir the drink.
- Ø Fill it up with ice cubes.
Most of the cachaca that is made in Brazil is of industrial nature and flavor. Some times you can use syrup for mild sweetness, but melted sugar probably goes better with it. Most industrial Cachaca is flavored with brown sugar, lime pulp and same rough spirit. Flavored Caipiranhas has become a global cocktail that has found its way towards other regions apart from Brazil, and has grown its popularity through out.
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